
Can I Get Money Back After Treasury Offset?

A Federal Offset is the forwarding of whatever or all of a taxpayer'south Federal income taxation refund to the North Carolina Section of Acquirement to satisfy an outstanding liability.

A Country Offset is the forwarding of any or all of a taxpayer'southward State income tax refund to satisfy an outstanding State tax liability. It tin can also be sent to another state or federal agency that has a claim against the taxpayer.

  • Federal Refund Get-go
  • State Refund Get-go

Federal Refund Outset : Common Questions

What actions can I take to avoid a federal offset?

To avert the federal beginning, the taxpayer must take ane of the actions described below inside 60 days from the appointment of the certified Find of Intent to First.

  1. Pay The Debt: The taxpayer must pay the full corporeality listed on the Find of Intent to Starting time. If payment is made after the "Interest Through Date" specified on the notice, please call 877-252 3252 for the updated amount.
    • Payments tin can exist made past using debit/credit menu (MasterCard/Visa) or bank draft via the Section's online payment organisation, or past contacting an amanuensis at (877) 252-3252 .
    • The Department likewise accepts personal checks, money orders and official banking company checks/cashier checks; cash is not accepted.
    • Garnishment and Payment Processing Unit
      NC Department of Acquirement
      PO Box 27431
      Raleigh, NC 27602-1168

      • Mail payments along with the coupon at the bottom of the notice to:
    • When paying in person at your local service eye , you lot may use debit/credit cards (MasterCard/Visa), banking concern typhoon, personal checks, money orders and official bank checks/cashier checks; greenbacks is not accepted.
  2. Bankruptcy:For more data or questions, review the Defalcation Oftentimes Asked Questions page.

My spouse and I filed a joint federal tax render and our refund was starting time for a debt that my spouse owes. How can I get my portion of the refund back?

The taxpayer must complete IRS Form 8379 from the IRS website, call the IRS at i-800-829-3676 or visit their local IRS office.

I take been notified past a tax preparer that I cannot take a Refund Anticipation Loan considering the NC Department of Acquirement has a claim confronting my federal refund. What action should I take?

The taxpayer may call 1-877-252-3252 to verify the amount owed to the Section of Revenue.

Taxation preparers should submit the taxpayer's tax returns without the refund anticipation loan. When the refund is starting time, the taxpayer will be notified regarding the corporeality of refund subject to start.

What happens if after the NC Department of Revenue receives my federal refund information technology overpays my account?

If all of a taxpayer's accounts are in balance with the NC Section of Acquirement and there are no active accounts with other Country agencies, the overpayment will exist refunded to the taxpayer.

If I have filed bankruptcy, will my refund exist offset?

For more than information or questions, review the Bankruptcy Frequently Asked Questions page.

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State Refund Offset: Common Questions

I received a find that my State refund was forwarded to another agency. Who should I address my questions to?

Any questions or bug must be resolved with the agency receiving the refund get-go. That agency'due south contact information should exist listed on the observe.

If I take filed bankruptcy, volition my land refund exist offset?

For more information or questions, review the Bankruptcy Frequently Asked Questions folio.

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