
What Size Mouse To Feed Ball Python

When learning nearly ball python diet and feeding, it's important to know which food and prey items to feed, what size foods to feed, how often to feed a baby and adult brawl python, and other things such equally how to tell when a brawl python is hungry. In this mail service, y'all volition notice a total guide brawl python diet with feeding chart and schedule, food sizes and other tips.

Brawl pythons are notorious for losing their appetite – which can exist caused for no reason likewise. If your ball python is not eating, please read this post to identify possible problems (new tab).

What should I feed my ball python?

You should feed your young ball python frozen thawed mice or rats and then gradually increase the size. You lot should transition your young ball pythons of over 200-300 grams to eating rats, every bit they are bigger in size.

Please note, that nearly brawl pythons get used to eating only ane blazon of prey, and will have problems switching to something else. That's especially true one time your ball python gets older. That's why it's important to outset switching to rats early on (mice will be as well small when information technology becomes older).

Baby ball pythons will go total from 1 pocket-sized sized prey, but an adult might demand 1-2. Almost ball pythons do non eat more than than i-3 prey items per feeding. That'due south why you would have to offering something larger, such every bit rats.

Stick to feeding mice and rats. While you can offering gerbils or other rodents, but they might be more expensive and harder to find for auction. And because ball pythons generally accept a hard fourth dimension switching, make sure y'all offering something that you can always get.

Should I feed my ball python mice or rats?

You should showtime with feeding your hatchling baby ball python smaller mice fuzzy or hopper mice for the kickoff few feedings. Nonetheless, most people get a brawl python that'south over 100 grams, and you can start switching to rats straight abroad.

Feeding i larger meal is always ameliorate than trying to feed two smaller ones. That's because your ball python might take just i nutrient item, and refuse to eat more. Also, it is easier to digest i casualty item, rather than few. Rats are larger than mice.

What should I feed my baby ball python?

You should feed a baby ball python, which is under a year old, smaller mice or rats. Every bit your ball python grows and gains weight, switch to larger sized rodents. That will brand sure that your ball python perceives and accepts what you offer as nutrient.

If feeding frozen mice or rats, make sure to thaw them properly before offering. Don't use a microwave to heat food items, as it will cook its insides and tin can burn your ball python when it eats it.

It will also lead to bacterial growth and tissue deterioration. Most ball pythons won't take food unless it's warm, as they have heat sensing pits that help detect prey.

Thaw frozen rodents in a fridge overnight, and and so yous can heat them in a bag by inserting in hot h2o/under a lamp. Heating a thawed rodent to 100-105 F ( C) is ideal for your brawl python.

Don't leave food items outside for too long, as it tin can lead to bacterial growth. Dry and oestrus the prey items before offer.

How oftentimes should I feed a ball python?

Y'all should feed a ball python from 0-1 years onetime around in one case in 5-7 days. So, you should feed a sub-adult to an adult ball python from 1-3 years former once in 10-14 days.

Once your brawl python reaches maturity at effectually 3 years old, feed it one time in 2-two.5 weeks, or even iii weeks if offering a larger repast.

How much to feed a brawl python? Feeding chart

How much you need to feed your python is very important. Weighing your brawl python and food items will be the most reliable way to determine how much to feed your ball python. This is how to break it down:

Ball python historic period and weight How often to feed Size of a feeder casualty detail
Hatchling Every five-7 days Small fuzzy/hopper mouse or like. Offset meal is often 2 weeks subsequently first shed
ane-12 months old, or up to 750 grams, whichever outset Every 5-7 days 12-fifteen% of your ball python'due south weight. Showtime switching to rats at 150 grams+
1-3 years old 10-xiv days, gradually subtract 5-7% of your ball python'due south weight. 1-ii food items
3 years sometime and over (adult) Once in 2-ii.five weeks, or once in three-3.5 weeks if offering a large repast. iii-v% of your ball python's weight. You can feed few mice, but it'due south better to feed i larger rat
Ball python feeding chart
Ball python historic period and weight Case of rodent weight and size
Hatchling ball python, 70-xc grams, starting time 3-5 meals Mouse hopper or pinky rat (around 7-12 grams)
100-150 grams Mouse hopper and and so change to pocket-sized weaned mice, or fuzzy rat (10-20 grams). You can offset switching to rats
150-200 grams Modest/weaned mouse/fuzzy rat (xv-20 grams)
200-250 grams Big/developed mouse or rat pup (twenty-25 grams, upwards to around 30g for rat pups)
250-300 grams Adult mouse, and so alter to X-Large mouse (effectually 30-35 grams), or rat pup (xxx grams)
300-350 grams Weaned rats (30-45 grams), or X-large/Colossal mouse (35-forty grams)
350-500 grams Weaned then small-scale rats (upwards to 60 grams, when ball python reaches 450-500 grams), or Colossal mouse
500-750 grams Small rat (60-70 grams) or two adult mice, or upwards to 10-fifteen% of your brawl python's weight if nether 2 years of age,
750-1500 grams Small-medium rat or 2-three adult mice (threescore-100 grams). If ball python is over 2 years of age, summate 5-7%
1500 grams+ (three years old and over) Medium to lower finish range weight Large rat, or 3 big mice, or ii smaller rats
Ball python weight and feeding sizes

For example, for a juvenile brawl python, you can get a pocketbook of frozen adult mice like this. Larger mice will be around 1-1.5 months old. However, as your ball python gets larger (upward to a twelvemonth old or so), you will need to either feed 2-three mice, or switch to pocket-sized adult rats.

Please apply a digital kitchen scales like this to mensurate casualty's weight and your ball pythons weight (monthly).

Please start switching from mice to rats at 100-150+ grams, sooner, the better. Every bit your ball python grows, you volition need to offer larger sized rats. It'due south always better to feed i larger prey item, than few smaller ones.

Please remember, that the table only presents approximate weights and sizes of rats. Some brawl pythons volition grow much quicker, reaching 1kg past 2 years of age, while others only by 2.5.

Mice and rat sizes will as well differ. The most correct matter to do is to weigh your ball python and mice, and summate percentages equally shown in the get-go table.

Ball python nutrient size

Food size for ball pythons is important – prey's thickest girth should exist a bit less or equal to thickest girth of your ball python.

Brand sure you offer correct sized food – your brawl python won't eat any prey items that are too minor. And, feeding prey items that are too big can cause regurgitation. Feeding very big meal (or overly large rodents) might brand your ball python not eat after, for a long menstruation of time.

Should I feed my ball python live or frozen food?

Ball Python Feeding Chart, Schedule, Sizes and Tips Guide

You should always aim to feed your ball python frozen/thawed (f/t) mice or rats, instead of live casualty items. That's considering live rodents might bite and injure your ball python, and feeding frozen prey items is more humane. Pre-killed (rodents merely killed recently, might exist used to help with feeding response in picky eaters or when switching).

Ball pythons are besides shy creatures, and don't like being presented with alive prey. This might also crusade unnecessary stress. If a prey rodent bites your ball python, it can lead to infections and even death. So, even if feeding live rodents at the moment, you lot should soon consider moving to f/t rodents.

While smaller mice that don't have their eyes open notwithstanding are not likely to assault dorsum, you should get your ball python used to eating frozen mice/rats. Some ball pythons that start eating live prey cannot switch to frozen mice/rats and might skip meals.

When to feed a ball python? Twenty-four hours or nighttime?

Ball pythons are mainly nocturnal snakes, and so they won't eat during the day. Feed your brawl python after twilight/sunset, as that's when your ball python will be interested in eating.

They start coming out late, past the end of the twenty-four hour period – that's when you should feed it. Make certain your ball python's tank is warm enough to aid digestion. Ball pythons don't require any meaning nighttime temperature drops – make certain it's at lxxx-83 Fahrenheit (26.7-28.3 Celsius) through the night.

Y'all can read more than almost brawl python tank heating and platonic temperatures here.

How to feed a ball python?

You will need to feed your ball python by offering a mouse/rat with feeding hemostat/tongs like this. Wiggle the prey item, to spike your ball python's interest. Grasp a prey rodent on the back and jerk until your brawl python constricts. One time it constricts, keep fluctuant a fleck longer then it can constrict harder.

Wash your easily after handling casualty items, before you start feeding your brawl python. What is more than, if offering thawed nutrient items, heat them beginning for x-15 minutes under a lamp or like. Heat a rodent after it has thawed in the refrigerator overnight.

Y'all can put information technology in a bag to avert wetting and submerge in hot water, or oestrus on a plate above humid water. Ball pythons have heat sensing pits and warm and dry prey item will brand them consume. Many brawl pythons volition decline a wet or cold food particular.

Don't offer prey items by paw – your brawl python might sense estrus coming off yous and then bite you lot by mistake. Utilise feeding tongs to offer food. If offering live rodents, keep an eye and don't leave an uneaten rodent in a cage alone with your ball python.

When offering a thawed/pre-killed rodent, get out your ball python solitary after it has stricken. That's because ball pythons are shy, and don't similar existence watched eating. Allow upwardly to few hours for your brawl python to eat, up to 24 hours.

Should I feed a brawl python in a muzzle or outside a cage?

Yous should feed your brawl python inside its muzzle, and feeding information technology outside its cage is actually stressful. Moving your brawl python causes it stress, equally well as can lead to regurgitation.

Your ball python volition also experience scared and vulnerable to eat exterior its cage, thus can effort to bite. Leave your ball python in its cage so information technology feels safe, and don't handle for at to the lowest degree 3 days to permit it digest a meal.

There are few things to follow for feeding your brawl python, and you can avoid being bitten if yous follow the rules. Kickoff of all, y'all must launder your easily properly subsequently handling nutrient items.

Secondly, you demand to employ long feeding tongs or hemostat like this when feeding, to avoid your brawl python striking at your hand. Wiggle a prey and allow your ball python take it. Sometimes, you can even leave a f/t prey in the muzzle with your ball python.

To avert any substrate ingestion, place a mat, paper or like under a food item. Y'all can remove the mat subsequently feeding. Make sure to check your ball python'south face pits regularly for any stuck substrate.

How to switch your ball python from mice to rats?

Some ball pythons go used to eating one type of food item, and will not accept anything else. For case, some ball pythons might not switch from mice to rats. This can also employ to eating simply live or pre-killed mice/rats.

You can start switching your ball python from mice to rats when information technology hits effectually 100-200 grams. Sooner, the meliorate.

Most ball pythons don't take whatever issues switching, and accept rats directly away. Others might have an upshot switching, and it can accept weeks to months to become back on rail. Delight be patient and monitor your ball python's weight.

If your ball python is non accepting rats afterward transition, you can use some tricks to aid y'all.

#ane: First of all, you lot tin 'scent' a rat with mouse or its substrate, so that it has the smell. Gradually reduce scenting as your brawl python is eating rats for few times in a row.

#2: Brand sure to warm rat prey in warm water/under the lamp to elicit feeding response.

#iii: Experiment with rat colors, ball pythons might have preferences. Stick to aforementioned color when switching, or try to experiment if needed.

#4: Offer a rat and a mouse together. If it only eats a small mouse, don't offer some other mouse to exit it a bit hungry. Keep offering a mouse + rat with next feedings. Over few weeks to couple months, reduce the size of a mouse and increase the size of a rat once information technology starts eating rats. Eventually, remove mice from the nutrition.

#5: If your ball python is not eating, skip ane-3 meals and then offer a scented rat. Constantly trying to feed a ball python when it's non eating will but crusade information technology non to eat for longer.

#6: If information technology'due south not accepting rats, remove mice from the diet and only offer one appropriately sized rat.

How to switch your ball python from live to frozen?

It's always a good idea to feed your ball python frozen/thawed rodents instead of live. That will save yous coin, time, and prevent any injuries/stress to your brawl python and rodents.

To switch from live to frozen, you lot should ever warm up casualty items to 100 and fifty-fifty upwards to 110 F to arm-twist a feeding response. You can employ an infrared thermometer similar this to bank check the temperature. Also, make sure to properly wiggle and slightly (don't push) rub a rodent confronting your ball python's body and snout.

If your ball python is not accepting thawed prey, you tin can get pre-killed mouse/rats and start with that. Pre-killed rodents are ones that have been killed recently – you can request that from your local reptile store or breeder.

If your ball python is not eating, please encounter this mail service on causes & tips.

What not to feed your brawl python?

Never feed any wild-caught rats or mice, as they might be conveying ticks and fleas. What is more than, they are going to exist more aggressive, and tin can seriously hurt and scare/stress your ball python.

Can ball pythons swallow fish?

No, ball python will not accept fish as food and won't attempt to eat it, every bit ball pythons eat warm-blooded creatures. Also, raw fish tin be total of internal parasites that can harm your brawl python.

Can brawl pythons swallow chicks?

While your ball python can eat chicks/chicken, information technology tin besides get used to eating them (fifty-fifty addicted). Brawl pythons are picky eaters, so you must stick to food items that you will be able to get whenever needed.

Can brawl pythons swallow eggs?

No, ball pythons will non eat eggs every bit they won't recognize it as food. Your brawl python needs to eat warm-blooded prey nutrient items.

Should I feed a ball python in shed?

No, y'all should skip meals when your ball python is in shed. That'south because your brawl python is likely to refuse food, volition be stressed and feel vulnerable.

How long can ball pythons become without eating?

Ball pythons are notorious for going off feed, and non eating for upwardly to iii-4 months. In full general, a brawl python tin go for 12 months, and even 1.5 years without eating, earlier starting to eat again.

If your ball python is not eating for few weeks, it tin be normal. However, start taking action if it's been more than 2-3 months. Likewise first taking action if there'south weight loss of above 5-10% of ball python'south torso weight.

Practice ball pythons need supplements?

No, ball pythons don't need supplements. Because brawl pythons eat a whole mouse or a rat, information technology gets all the vitamins and minerals from its bones, insides and so on, and so you don't need whatsoever additional supplements.

However, some owners advice to dust the casualty items with calcium or a multivitamin with every few feedings. That'southward because rodents raised in labs are not equally nutritious and ones in the wild. As well, if y'all don't use UVB in the cage, your brawl python would benefit from some vitamin D3 and calcium.

If you wish, y'all can grit the prey detail with calcium like this with every four-5 feedings. You lot tin also use a multivitamin similar this with every 5-half dozen feedings (separately from calcium, switch).

How to tell if a ball python is hungry?

Ball Python Feeding Guide, How to Tell Ball Python Is Hungry

If a brawl python is hungry, it will often offset wandering around or first seeming more alert and watching its surroundings (testing cage limits) at dark. Some brawl pythons go more than active day before and on the day of feeding, peculiarly if y'all have a feeding schedule.

Nonetheless, always make sure to set a feeding schedule once your ball python is eating ordinarily. Don't feed your ball python every fourth dimension it seems active or alert, or it tin atomic number 82 to obesity. Ball python are opportunistic feeders, so you have to create a feeding schedule.

Can I handle my ball python before feeding?

Don't handle whatsoever hatchling or new ball pythons before first 4-5 successful feeding sessions. With established ball pythons, you lot can generally handle before feeding as long equally yous take not touched prey items, just it's always meliorate to exit information technology solitary on a feeding day.

How long to wait to handle a ball python later feeding?

Please allow at least 48 hours to handle your brawl python later feeding. Handling before that will disrupt digestion, will cause stress and can cause regurgitation.

Ball python feeding tips and mistakes to avoid

  • Heat and dry a mouse/rat earlier offering.
  • Launder your hands later on handling casualty items and use feeding tongs/hemostats (at to the lowest degree fifteen″/38 cm long).
  • Don't feed a shedding ball python.
  • Wiggle a pre-killed mouse or rat.
  • Leave your snake lonely afterward it has constricted the prey. Some brawl pythons don't like being watched eating.
  • Don't handle your ball python afterward feeding, for at to the lowest degree 2-iii days.
  • Also, don't handle your ball python straight earlier feeding and don't motility it to a split up container to feed. This increases chances of your ball python eating.
  • Don't exit the prey particular in the cage for more 24 hours, and watch your ball python is rodent is alive.

Ball python h2o needs

Ball Python Water Needs and Diet Guide

Make sure you have a basin with water for your ball python at all times in the cage. A proficient water bowl should be large to fit your brawl python and not tip over, like this ane. It's a practiced thought to refresh water every ane-2 days if possible.

How long tin can brawl python become without drinking water?

Brawl pythons require fresh drinking water for drinking and soaking daily. In extreme circumstances, your brawl python can go up to 7-10 days without drinking.

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