
How To Get Lips Back Pink

Soft and pink lips are something we all desire. Not only does it improve your appearance, but also is a sign that your lips are healthy. Chapped lips are unsightly and can cause bleeding in severe cases. Chapped or dark pigmented lips are a concern to many, but with simple remedies, you can easily lighten your lips, make them soft and pink.

There's no doubt — naturally rosy lips are an appealing feature of a woman's beauty or a man's good looks. So, many people who have dark lips want to lighten them.

Some of the main causes of dark lips are excessive exposure to direct sunlight, an allergic reaction, use of low-quality cosmetics, chewing tobacco, excessive smoking, high caffeine intake, and hormonal imbalances. There are many ways to lighten dark lips that don't require buying expensive products or treatments. Natural home remedies can effectively lighten your lips. The time it takes for these remedies to work varies, so use them as long as needed to achieve the results you want.

What Makes Your Lips Go Dark?

Lips can get darken due to various factors like low blood circulation, stress, drugs, smoking and lot more. Better avoid such practices. We are listing below few factors which make your lips dark:

Dehydration, Keeping lips dry for prolonged times.

Lifestyle habits

Consistent use of lip Cosmetics or products

Melasma or Hyperpigmentation

Prolonged exposure to the sun rays


Consumption of caffeine and hot beverages

Definitely, you should take care of these factors to protect the true color of your lips. However, without taking appropriate and consistent lip care methods, you won't be able to maintain the natural pink color of lips.

6 Powerful Methods To Get Natural Pink Lips

To get natural pink lips, there are both natural and artificial ways. Artificial ways include plastic surgery, scrubbing, or peeling, which can seriously harm your lips in the long run. Therefore, this article will not focus upon artificial techniques to get pink lips at all, but will only focus on getting pink lips naturally:

Method 1: Honey-Sugar Scrub

You can use a yummy honey and sugar scrub to give your lips a little TLC. This scrub is very gentle, making it well-suited to the tender skin of your lips. Sugar scrubs are best known for their efficiency in exfoliation. This scrub will gently exfoliate the dead skin cells, which often give your lips an unpleasant appearance.

While you can make this scrub with white sugar, brown sugar is much gentler on the skin. It is also rich in antioxidants that protect your skin from ultraviolet (UV) damage due to sun exposure. The glycolic acid present in the sugar also conditions the skin and protects it from toxins.

Honey is a natural humectant, which means that it attracts moisture. Honey helps keep the exfoliated lips hydrated and healthy. The enzymes present in honey also help lighten the skin tone of your lips.

How To Apply: Put 1 tablespoon of brown sugar in a small bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the scrub over your lips with your finger. Lightly massage it on your lips for 1 minute. The massage not only helps with exfoliation, it also improves blood circulation in the lips, making them healthier and lighter with time. Leave the scrub on your lips for a few minutes before washing it off with plain water.

Repeat this remedy 2 or 3 times a week until you see noticeable results.

Method 2: Pomegranate Seeds and Milk

Pomegranate works great in lightening pigmented lips. It contains a compound called punicalagin which prevent the production of melanin And also prevents your lips from getting darker when exposed to the sun.

How To Apply: Take a handful of pomegranate seeds and grind them. Mix the fine pomegranate seed with some milk cream. Apply this mixture onto your lips. Leave it to dry for about 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Repeat this daily for about one month continuously, and you could notice your lips become pinker and fuller too.

Method 3: Rasberries, Aloe Vera and Organic Honey

Berries contain vital minerals and vitamins which are highly essential for keeping your lips healthy and vibrant. Both raspberries and strawberries also can turn dark lips into rosy pink lips. So you can use any one for preparing this remedy.

The ingredient honey used in this remedy is a natural moisturizing agent that can soften your lips and help restore their natural pink color.And aloe vera is a soothing ingredient, which helps with chapped and irritated lips. It also stimulates the growth of new skin cells and helps to lessen skin damage caused by the sun

And aloe vera is a soothing ingredient, which helps with chapped and irritated lips. It also stimulates the growth of new skin cells and helps to lessen skin damage caused by the sun

A lip scrub made from raspberries, aloe vera, and organic honey, can really help to make your lips pink naturally. Let's see how to prepare this natural scrub:

How To Apply: Take equal proportion of few raspberries, aloe vera gel, and organic honey in a bowl. Blend them well to make a paste. Apply this paste to your lips with a gentle massage. Leave it for about 20 minutes before you wash it off. Wash of with cool water and pat dry.

Method 4: Lemon and Almond Oil

Lemon is a wonderful skin-lightening agent. A natural bleach and skin toner, lemon juice is safe to use on many skin types. Lemon is an effective way to undo the sun damage on your lips and lighten them naturally.

To prevent your lips from drying out, a good moisturizer like sweet almond oil is needed. Sweet almond oil hydrates your lips from within and helps even out their complexion as well.

How To Apply: Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil. Mix the two thoroughly with a spatula or your finger. Take a little of the almond oil and lemon juice mixture and lightly massage it on your lips. For best results, leave the mixture on your lips overnight.

Repeat this process every night for 3 to 4 weeks to notice a significant change.

Method 5: Beetroot Juice

If you've ever eaten this vegetable, you know how it stains not just your lips, tongue and teeth a bright pink but your clothes and fingers too. But that's not all. Beetroot works to clear up the pigmentation of your lips. Besides being natural, it's also free of chemicals and inexpensive, so why not make the most of it? Beetroot for pink lips, did you say? Sure, why not?

How To Apply: To use beetroot for pink lips, here's another winning recipe. Combine one tablespoon of beetroot juice with an equal quantity of honey. Wet your lips with a piece of cotton and massage this liquid over your lips. Leave it on overnight. In the morning, you'll notice your lips turning soft and pinkish. Continue this for a week to get naturally pink lips.

Method 6: Lemon and Sugar

Lemon is an excellent natural bleaching agent, and sugar helps to exfoliate all the dead skin cells. The citric acid in lemon juice helps to lighten the dark shade of lips, in turn, making your lips look pink.

One thing you take care while using this remedy is, lemon is acidic in nature, and not all skin types will adjust to its nature. Especially those having extra sensitive skin. So, if you experience any irritation while using this remedy please discontinue the use and prefer using any alternate remedies listed above.

How To Apply: Cut a thin slice of lemon and sprinkle some sugar on it. Rub this sugary slice on your lips for a couple of minutes. Soon you will notice that your lips will begin to get lighter.

Repeat this remedy once in three days for best result.

Some Essential Tips To Keep In Mind

  • Resist the urge to lick the sweet honey-sugar scrub off your lips. The saliva will dry out the freshly exfoliated skin of your lips, making them chapped and dry.
  • Commercial lip balms often contain chemicals that can make your lips dull over time. Try using lip balms made from natural ingredients or use a homemade lip balm.
  • You can also use the juice of fresh mint leaves mixed with lemon juice and honey as a lip brightener.
  • If you have a habit of licking your lips, you'll need to kick it to the curb, as the saliva makes the lips chapped and dry, making them dark and dull over time.
  • Wear a good sunscreen to protect your lips from sun damage and keep your body hydrated.
  • If the darkness of your lips is genetic, there may not be much that you can do about it.
  • Cut down on your smoking as well as caffeine and alcohol intake.
  • Always remove lip makeup before going to sleep.
  • Never use any expired lip products. Throw them out instead.

Remedies For Men To Get Naturally Pink Lips

Men can also get naturally pink lips after following the above-mentioned remedies. Just some tips have to be kept in mind as: Quit Smoking, exfoliate your lips, moisturize them and follow different home remedies.


So men and women out there, Do not worry at all. Your lips can turn very beautiful and pink if you follow the home remedies and the tips regularly. Drinking lots of water and juices keep your skin soft and moisturise it. Water nourishes the skin and helps in growth of new skin cells. Dry skin and lips indicate that your skin is not properly hydrated. It is advised to drink 8 glasses of water every day to keep your skin and lips healthy.

Getting pink lips is easy, but maintaining them is the hard part. Stay hydrated, get your vitamins, and avoid bad habits to ensure you get great looking impressive pink lips. To protect them, apply lip balm regularly and very frequently to ensure all the moisture in your lips stays locked in.

How To Get Lips Back Pink


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