
Windows Phone Game Review: Smashing Planets

Smashing Planets for Windows Phone

Nifty Planets is a rather entertaining Windows Phone game that is a missile defense styled game.  You are required to defend Earth from evil alien invaders that are adamant to smash the planet into tiny lilliputian bits. Your perspective in the game is from space and you lot take an arsenal of missiles to take out the alien ships and bosses before they blow things upward.

Smashing Planets has over sixteen levels of play, actually nice graphics and addictive game play. Information technology'southward a great little game that is a very nice fourth dimension waster.Keen Planets is a nice addition to your Windows Phone gaming library.

The main menu for Smashing Planets offers options to access the game'due south settings, play the game and visit the developer'due south website, Twitter and Facebook pages. Settings cover a help folio, mute the sound, and view the Not bad Planet's Well-nigh page.

Smashing Planets Menu

Swell Planets has two game modes, Campaign and Survival. Survival mode is simply surviving the alien attack for as long as you can. Campaign Fashion is a multi-level game that has y'all defeating minions and bosses. Game play gets more challenging the longer you survive in the Survival Fashion and the higher the level with the Campaign mode.

Great Planets game screen has your weapons displayed along the bottom left of the screen, a radar button in the lower right, your score in the upper right and a pause button in the upper left.

As you lot move into the gaming modes, a series of story boards and video segments announced giving the groundwork story for the game. World sits center screen and a wellness meter sits below the planet. As alien space craft come on the radar, warning arrows pop upwardly effectually Globe to alarm you lot of the direction the ships are coming from.

Smashing Planets

To fire your missiles, simply drag your finger in the management you demand the missiles to become in. You tin curve your shots to hit the enemy from backside, zig zag the shot, or merely get with the straight shot. This comes in handy when the ships have frontward facing shields.

Along with the alien ships, you take to defend the Earth from incoming asteroids. Asteroids require multiple hits to eliminate the danger. Ships vary in forcefulness and defenses equally well. Some can exist taken out with one shot, while others take multiple hits. Some can be sneaky and hide behind asteroids, requiring bend shots. Missile inventory/supply tin be depleted merely factories feverishly work to replenish your arsenals. Additionally, in that location are bonus items floating in space that volition replenish your missiles, restore health to the planet, and other bonus/boosts.

As you lot progress through the levels in the Campaign manner, boosted weapons get bachelor. Just tap on the icon at the bottom of the screen to switch betwixt missile types.

Overall, Swell Planets is a great game for your Windows Phone. The downside to the game is that there is and so much to the game, the help section really doesn't practise things justice. I would take liked to have seen a more detail on what each missile blazon does, what each bonus does, etc. You can figure information technology all out afterward a while but there can be "now what does that do?" blazon moments that can be distracting and give the aliens the upper hand.

Peachy Planets is challenging plenty to keep you coming back, graphically well presented, and just an overall practiced game. At that place is a free trial version for Smashing Planets that lets you go a experience for the game before buying. The full version of Smashing Planets is running $.99 and yous can observe it all here at the Windows Phone Marketplace.

QR: Smashing Planets


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