
How To Get Rid Of Grasshoppers With Vinegar

How To Get Rid Of Grasshoppers With Vinegar (2 Ways To Do It!)

How to Get Rid of Grasshoppers with Vinegar

Grasshoppers probably aren't the first insects you think of when you're picturing garden pests. It may be time to change that because grasshoppers are fully capable of laying waste to a home garden. By the time they're done swarming your garden, you may be left with nothing but damaged plants.

You must get rid of grasshoppers if you want to protect your garden. Homeowners can utilize different tools for the purposes of grasshopper elimination. Even vinegar can be effectively used as a tool against grasshoppers.

Mix one part apple cider vinegar together with three parts of water and a sprinkling of powdered household cleaner. Combine that mixture thoroughly then spray it onto patches of tall grass, undisturbed areas, and any grasshoppers you encounter as well.

The day after, pick up any dead grasshoppers you find then continue spraying until you've eliminated them from your garden.

You should not underestimate the damage grasshoppers can do to your garden. Address the threat they present by using vinegar and the tips included in this article.

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Table of Contents

  • Why Should You Use Vinegar to Eliminate Grasshoppers?
  • How to Use Vinegar Against Grasshoppers – The Spray Method
    • Step 1: Prepare the Needed Items
    • Step 2: Create the Vinegar-Based Grasshopper Repellent
    • Step 3: Spray the Grasshopper Repellent throughout Your Garden
    • Step 4: Clean Up around Your Garden
  • How to Use Vinegar Against Grasshoppers – The Trap Method
    • Step 1: Prepare the Needed Items
    • Step 2: Put the Trap Together
    • Step 3: Strategically Position the Bowls with Vinegar and Canola Oil
    • Step 4: Let the Traps Take Effect
  • What Are Other Methods of Removing Grasshoppers from Your Garden?
    • Maintain Your Garden
    • Introduce Some Animals to Your Garden
    • Grow Plants Grasshoppers Do Not Like
    • Hire Professional Pest Control
  • Related Questions
      • Can You Use Vinegar to Repel Other Household Pests?
      • Are There Any Risks to Using Vinegar inside Your Garden?

Why Should You Use Vinegar to Eliminate Grasshoppers?

Vinegar has emerged as this kind of super versatile item around the home. You can obviously use it for cooking, for cleaning, and yes, it even works for pest control.

The reason why vinegar works against grasshoppers is because it's effective bait. Grasshoppers like that liquid substance. They will find it irresistible and will inevitably be drawn to it.

You can make the bait even more enticing by using apple cider vinegar. The fruity scent coming from the apple cider vinegar will help lure in more grasshoppers. Once the grasshoppers have taken the bait, it will be easier to take them out.

Homeowners should also use vinegar because it stands out as a great alternative to chemical repellents. Using chemical repellents in and around your home is not always a good idea. They could be hazardous to the members of your household, with children and pets being especially vulnerable.

We also encourage the use of vinegar against grasshoppers simply because it's more accessible. You probably have a bottle inside your kitchen right now. It's better to use what you already have as opposed to dropping money on a chemical repellent.

How to Use Vinegar Against Grasshoppers – The Spray Method

It's easy to use vinegar as a grasshopper repellent in your garden. The first method involves using vinegar and some other items to create an effective anti-grasshopper spray.

Step 1: Prepare the Needed Items

You will only need a few items for this extermination job. Grab some powdered household cleaner, some water, plastic bags, a spray bottle, and of course, the vinegar.

Now, you actually have a choice to make when it comes to which vinegar you'll be using. The two most popular options are white vinegar and apple cider vinegar. As we discussed earlier, apple cider vinegar is the preferred option because of the fruity scent it releases into the air.

Step 2: Create the Vinegar-Based Grasshopper Repellent

Open up the spray bottle now and pour in three parts of water to one part of your chosen vinegar. After that, sprinkle in the household cleaner before mixing the concoction together. Don't forget the cleaner because it will be the item that actually exterminates the grasshoppers.

Step 3: Spray the Grasshopper Repellent throughout Your Garden

With the repellent ready, you can now get started on spraying your garden. Move throughout your garden and target undisturbed spots or any patches of tall grass. Grasshoppers prefer staying in those spots so you're more likely to get to them by spraying those areas.

Also consider spraying some of the weeds you see. You can get to more grasshoppers by spraying the weeds. Vinegar is also effective against different types of weeds that usually grow inside home gardens.

You should also take a more direct approach by targeting any grasshoppers you see. That's easier said than done though given how quickly grasshoppers move around.

Step 4: Clean Up around Your Garden

The day after using the vinegar-based repellent, go through your garden and look for any dead grasshoppers. Pick them up then place them in a plastic bag so you can dispose of them later on.

You could also wait for nature to take its course. Birds and other critters dropping by your garden may clean up the dead grasshoppers themselves, thus reducing your workload.

How to Use Vinegar Against Grasshoppers – The Trap Method

Let's now talk about using vinegar and other items to trap grasshoppers. This is just as easy as the method detailed above so feel free to use whichever one you like.

Step 1: Prepare the Needed Items

For this trapping method, you'll need the vinegar of your choice, canola oil, and some bowls. Smooth bowls will work best for what we're trying to do here.

Step 2: Put the Trap Together

Line up all the bowls you're planning to use and fill them with vinegar. Top off the vinegar with some canola oil. A tablespoon or two of canola oil will suffice for this application.

Step 3: Strategically Position the Bowls with Vinegar and Canola Oil

You can now head to your garden and start putting the bowls in position. Remember to target patches of tall grass or any undisturbed areas because they are the preferred hangout spots for grasshoppers.

Step 4: Let the Traps Take Effect

At this point, you can now sit back and wait for the traps to do their thing. The secret to the effectiveness of the traps is the canola oil.

Once the grasshoppers step into the mixture, their bodies will be weighed down by the oil. They will have a hard time escaping the trap. It will be even tougher for them to escape since the bowls have no ridges they can cling to.

Eventually, the grasshoppers will be submerged in the vinegar and canola oil until they start to drown. Clean out the bowls after that and use them again later on to further quell the grasshopper invasion.

What Are Other Methods of Removing Grasshoppers from Your Garden?

Using vinegar is not the only way to eliminate grasshoppers from your garden. There are other effective methods you can try out if you are so inclined and we have detailed them below.

Maintain Your Garden

Maintaining your garden can help reduce the grasshopper population there. Maintenance in this context means keeping your grass neatly trimmed and not leaving any spots unkempt. Doing those simple things can discourage grasshoppers from staying in your garden.

Introduce Some Animals to Your Garden

Birds love feeding on grasshoppers. They excel at taking out any grasshoppers that have made their way into your garden.

If you have any pet birds, feel free to let them loose in your garden from time to time. They may be able to provide a big assist in the war you're waging against the grasshoppers.

Grow Plants Grasshoppers Do Not Like

Grasshoppers are fond of munching on most plants, but they don't like everything. Some of the plants they dislike include juniper, peppers, and sage. Spread those plants throughout your garden and try to ward off the grasshoppers with their help.

Hire Professional Pest Control

Considering how easy the methods of grasshopper removal are, you should only consider hiring professional exterminators if the situation is dire. We're talking something on the scale of numerous grasshoppers ravaging your garden. Since your garden is ruined at that point anyway, you might as well hire the exterminators to clean it up.

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Can You Use Vinegar to Repel Other Household Pests?

Aside from grasshoppers, vinegar can also be used as an effective repellent against other household pests. Notable examples of pests that vinegar will work against include ants, moths, and even slugs. Feel free to use vinegar if you're dealing with a pest problem because it could prove to be immensely helpful.

Are There Any Risks to Using Vinegar inside Your Garden?

If you're using vinegar as a spray, you must dilute it first. Undiluted vinegar can be very strong and it could harm some of the plants in your garden. Even if you have diluted the vinegar, you should still refrain from spraying it directly onto flowers and vegetables.

Gary Evans

Gary Evans is passionate about home improvement. He loves finding out how to make improvements in the easiest, most practical, and most affordable ways. Upgrading his home kitchen is one of his ongoing hobbies. Gary is also a long-time content creator and enjoys spending his free time tending to his hydroponic vegetable garden.

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How To Get Rid Of Grasshoppers With Vinegar


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